Finally, something that we’ve all been waiting for…
Spain and Switzerland-based studio Kawamura Ganjavian created this squishy headgear called the ‘Ostrich Pillow’. With it’s padded sides, covered eyes and ears, and cosy space for your cold hands; it’s the perfect solution for when you want to take a nap.
Okay, enough advertising. I do admit that it seems quite comfortable, but it just looks plain stupid. I love my naps but I’m not sure that there will come a time where I decide to whip out my Ostrich Pillow while on a train and take a quick doze.
Perhaps people value comfort over aesthetics and this alien head will take the world by storm. Perhaps, perhaps…(Or perhaps not.)
Ostrich Pillow offers a micro-environment in which to take a warm and comfortable power nap at ease. It is neither a pillow nor cushion, bed or garment, but a bit of each, all at the same time. Its soothing cave-like interior shelters and isolates both your head and hands, perfect for a power nap. You can use the Ostrich Pillow at your desk, on a bench, on the train or while you wait at the airport to catch a flight. In fact, you can use the Ostrich Pillow whenever and wherever you feel like a nap is needed. The Ostrich Pillow’s ergonomic design and comfort makes it both very easy to use and store. Designed to fit every head, it’s made from light materials that make it easy to take with you wherever you go.
“We released our prototype online and discovered that everyone loves the Ostrich Pillow just as much as we do, so we decided to make Ostrich Pillow a reality.”
via Dezeen
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