When Instagram decided to update its original terms of service for 2013, there was endless backlash and it soon backed down. However, Instagram users still seem to be fleeing in large numbers; the photo-sharing app lost more than half of all its active users in the past month, pushing numbers down from 16.3 million daily active users to 7.6 million. It didn't, however, chase away video-maker . . .
Good Catches
No, I did not go fishing on my week off. I am unsure of whether it is even possible to catch (edible) fish in Shanghai. By good catches*, I am simply referring to my net of Perth people that I just put up in my 'study' today. Just note that my study is really just a wooden desk on a slightly elevated area in my room. Just like my 'room' in Sydney was really just a little section of the living . . .