Not sure if people even send cards and letters these days. With the advent of technology and Facebook birthday reminders, just a simple message on the wall seems enough these days. An SMS or Whatsapp message perhaps, for the special friends.
Call me nostalgic, but I’ve always been a strong advocate for handwritten cards and the sending of snail mail. How long has it been since you last went to the post office to buy a stamp? An inconvenience, yes. However, when’s the last time you received a letter that was not junk mail or yet another bill; it’s probably safe to assume that it takes a while to bring up that memory, or nothing comes to mind. If you can brighten up someone’s day just a little bit extra – why not? Start sending out mail, people.
So this is where the primary topic of my post comes in – Bald Guy Greetings. This brilliant man (I’m assuming…a bald man) comes up with witty cards that will act to amuse both the sender and receiver. Receiving a card is good enough. Receiving a great card? Best ever.
The perfect choice for any occasion – Hallmark, you better watch out.
Hey there, it’s Ian from Bald Guy Greetings. And yes, I am bald. If I wasn’t bald and I named my company that – it would just be rude.
Seriously, thanks so much for the write up. I just saw this and I wanted to make sure to thank you.
I’m sorry this comment isn’t funny at all. I promise I’m much more charming in real life and hopefully in the greeting cards.
Thanks again for the kind words. Please tell everyone you know about us.
Without hair,
Ian Kalman
Bald Guy Greetings
Hello Ian,
Absolute pleasure to have you stumble upon my blog and leave a comment! Completely made my day (perhaps week), and I trust that all you say about your charm is true. Keep making awesome cards and yes – will definitely spread the word around.