I always feel a sense of happiness whenever I read about any cool news coming out of Australia. I know we are a massive country size-wise, but it doesn't really seem like much news seems to spurt out from beyond our oceans. The ones that do get spread revolve around the occasional shark attack (understatement), people drunkenly pulling off their pants in public, and how can we forget...the video . . .
Santa Off Duty
IT'S CHRISTMAS WEEK! Post 7/7 A different side of Santa & his little helpers you've never seen before. And perhaps wish you'd never seen. Check out this Medium Post to see who created each of these. This signals the end of Christmas week - it was a fun one and I'm glad that I spent it with you. . . .
Drawing Connections
Drawing: 1. a graphic representation by lines of an object or idea (i.e. drawing a dog) 2. to deduce; infer (i.e. drawing a conclusion). Okay, a pun is clearly ineffective if it requires explanation. That's why I'm leaving the task to expert-punner Jaco Haasbroek, a freelance illustrator and designer based in Cape Town, South Africa. I love this series titled "Food, Object or Animal", . . .
Jerk Balloons
Balloons - commonly seen at happy events. Like children's birthday parties. Well, things have clearly changed with Shauna Luedtke's “Jerks Balloons” which feature a bunch of nasty messages. You know how most of the time you can say anything and get away with it, as long as you smile while doing it? Trust me, it works. Well in the case of these balloons, they can probably say anything and get . . .
Ruthless Endings
“It’s not you, it’s me.” How many times have you heard that? Not too many, one would hope… Portugal-based graphic designer Wasted Rita created a collection of breakup letters. Despite the seemingly cruel messages, the humour and quirky typography is something to be admired. She is self-described as "a natural born agent provocateur, sarcastic as needed and a full-time thinker who must write about . . .
Bald Guy Laughs
Not sure if people even send cards and letters these days. With the advent of technology and Facebook birthday reminders, just a simple message on the wall seems enough these days. An SMS or Whatsapp message perhaps, for the special friends. Call me nostalgic, but I've always been a strong advocate for handwritten cards and the sending of snail mail. How long has it been since you last went to . . .
Cancel Your Reservation
We've all done it. Scoured the reviews of every hotel, activity and restaurant when making travel plans to find the best deal, the best service, the best quality. When everything is screened in anticipation for that perfect holiday or weekend getaway. But when do you start doubting bad reviews, especially when they're amongst the positive - how far is far? Thomas Cook in an international travel . . .
First World Problems
First world problems. We are all guilty of complaining about them, and best of all...we all like to have a laugh about them. Buzzfeed does an excellent job of compiling a couple of gems found on Twitter, that definitely acts to entertain. Reading through them, there might be a couple that you relate to along the way. Love them. Had my Game of Thrones marathon and . . .
Flying Woes
If you are to make a complaint, you might as well make it brilliant enough that Richard Branson would blog about it. Congratulations Arthur Hicks, and I'm sorry about your bag. . . .
Reasons My Son Is Crying
Greg Pembroke is a 32-year-old father of two boys under the age of 4. After observing his fair share of temper tantrums, he decided to share his fatherhood experiences in a blog called Reasons My Son Is Crying. The simple beginnings of posting photos on Facebook for friends and family soon turned into a Tumblr internet sensation. It's quite a laugh, you'll soon see why...Meet Charlie. "I . . .