Just the other day, I walked past a little boy running next to his mother holding up a butterfly net and having the time of his life. I then look at the young child with an iPad in one hand and a Coke in another and is crying for more, and it makes me start to wonder when we all began to stop valuing the smaller, simpler things in life. When our eyes were not glued to our smartphones but instead . . .
Cartridge Blowing
This is a little geeky but do you remember the days of the old school Nintentos, Sega Megadrives, Game Boys and whatever other console game there was? Whenever the game didn't load, we would all know the magic trick: blow on the cartridge and try again. This was never questioned. It was just done (and done and done till it worked), and always achieved successful results. I am about to shatter . . .