Not only did I get a wonderful 2 weeks back in Perth (my hometown, for those unaware) - I now have 5 days off to do absolutely nothing. Bless China and their many public holidays. Perth was a colourful burst of comfort, catch-ups, friends and family. Having enough of food restrictions in Shanghai due to food scandals and bird flu outbreaks, I ate everything and anything that came my way. I mean . . .
Good Catches
No, I did not go fishing on my week off. I am unsure of whether it is even possible to catch (edible) fish in Shanghai. By good catches*, I am simply referring to my net of Perth people that I just put up in my 'study' today. Just note that my study is really just a wooden desk on a slightly elevated area in my room. Just like my 'room' in Sydney was really just a little section of the living . . .